Tiny House Movement - (noun, singular) is a major movement where people from all walks of life are choosing to live more simple lives by downsizing from larger houses into smaller spaces known as tiny houses. Some tiny houses are built on foundations and others are built on wheels allowing for them to be towed similar to a camp trailer.
People all across the USA are joining the tiny house movement for environmental concerns, financial concerns, more freedom and adventures. Tiny houses come in all sizes and shapes. Some choose to build their own while others prefer purchasing a ready built tiny house.
The average American home is approximately 2600 square feet, while the range of tiny houses is from 100-400 square feet with the most popular ranging around 200 square feet. This is a growing movement for sure!
With growing national and even international media coverage on Oprah. CNN, AP, Tiny House Nation, Guardian, Huffington Post, NBC, PBS, Tiny House Hunters to name a few, many people are being educated on this exciting alternative a more simple, stress free and debt free way of living.
The average American home is approximately 2600 square feet, while the range of tiny houses is from 100-400 square feet with the most popular ranging around 200 square feet. This is a growing movement for sure!
With growing national and even international media coverage on Oprah. CNN, AP, Tiny House Nation, Guardian, Huffington Post, NBC, PBS, Tiny House Hunters to name a few, many people are being educated on this exciting alternative a more simple, stress free and debt free way of living.